Tourism Day - September 27th, 2024 | Kid Jokes | Dad Jokes
"Appreciating the cultural and economic benefits of tourism. Let's travel with some laughs! After each joke, you’ve got five seconds to pack the right answer. Keep listening until the end for today's travel riddle.
1st Joke: Why did the tourist bring a ladder to the Eiffel Tower?
2nd Joke: What did the traveler say when he lost his map?
3rd Joke: Why did the suitcase feel lonely?
4th Joke: How do oceans greet each other?
5th Joke: Why do tourists always feel so smart?
Today's Riddle: I help you find your way in a new place, but I'm not a GPS. What am I?
That’s all for our travel fun. Join us tomorrow for some neighborly humor on Good Neighbor Day!
Jokes for Kids, Kid Jokes, Children Jokes, Funny Jokes for Kids, Silly Jokes, School Jokes, Dad Jokes, Tourism Day Jokes"
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